The United States was built by immigrants. It is due to the hard work and contribution of these people that our nation has prospered. And yet today, noncitizens can often receive less than fair treatment when it comes to their legal rights. To make matters even more complicated, immigrants must deal with confusing immigration laws, making it difficult to understand their legal position and assess options. Whether you are seeking a green card, wish to become a citizen or are facing deportation due to criminal charges, your best hope for achieving your goals is to hire an experienced immigration & naturalization attorney.
At the Tausk Law Firm, our lawyers represent individuals, families, businesses and in-house legal counsel who seek to obtain visas, green cards, citizenship. We also provide a strong defense for noncitizens who have been accused of a crime and are at risk for deportation. Immigration laws in the United States are highly complex and are subject to frequent changes. However, our lawyers are well-versed in the immigration guidelines and are able to quickly identify the best course of action to help clients obtain their specific objectives.
N-400, Application for Naturalization
Form N-400 is an application for US citizenship (naturalization). In order to qualify for naturalization, you must be a Legal Permanent Resident for 5 years or more. One exception is if you are married to a US Citizen and you received your Legal Permanent Residency through that same US citizen spouse and you are a person of good moral character. Your test will be in English and you will need to know how to read and write in English. There is a medical waiver for certain medical conditions. For older people who have been Legal Permanent Residents for 20 years or more and are over 50 or if you are 55 and been a legal permanent resident for more 15 years or more you may be eligible to take the test in Spanish.
Please visit the USCIS website at for more information or Please contact us for an appointment.
N-600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship
Individuals wishing to document their US citizenship status based on citizen parentage should complete Form N-600. This form may be used for individuals who have a claim to US citizenship either by action of law while residing in the US or by having been born outside the US to US citizen parent(s). Please contact us for an appointment.
Please note not everything that is listed encompasses all that can be done to help you stay in the United States, these are just some forms of visas and eligibility to stay in the United States.
You may qualify for DACA.
Congress enacted the Violence Against Women Acts (VAWA) to enable victims of domestic violence to leave abusive relationships without jeopardizing their immigration status. A battered or abused spouse or child of a US citizen or lawful permanent resident may self-petition for relief using Form I-360. To qualify, the petitioner must be of good moral character, must reside in the US, and must have lived in the US with the abusive spouse or parent for some period of time. If petitioning as the spouse of a US citizen or lawful permanent resident, the petitioner must show that the marriage was entered into good faith and that the petitioner or the petitioner’s child was subject to extreme cruelty by the citizen or permanent resident. A child must show that he or she suffered extreme cruelty at the hands of the US citizen or lawful permanent resident parent. Please contact us for an appointment.
Non-citizens who are victims of qualifying criminal activity may be eligible to apply for a U Visa and request temporary immigration benefits. The victim or petitioner may include qualifying family members in the petition. To see a list of qualifying criminal activities please visit the USCIS website. Please contact us for an appointment.
Non-citizens who are victims of severe forms of trafficking, or modern-day slavery. Human Trafficking is a word that may confuse one regarding its true meaning for immigration purposes. Human Trafficking is if one was enslaved and not allowed to leave and move freely and was forced to work against one’s will and were not compensated for this work. As appropriate, benefits may also be available to the victim’s immediate family members. The principal applicants must demonstrate the following: (1) they are or have been a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons; (2) they are physically present in the US, American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or a port of entry, on account of trafficking in persons; (3) they have complied with any reasonable request for assistance in a Federal, State, or local investigation or prosecution of acts of trafficking or the investigation of crime where acts of trafficking are at least one central reason for the commission of that crime, unless they are under the age of 18; and (4) they would suffer extreme hardship involving usual and sever harm upon removal. Please contact us for an appointment.
AAO is the Administrative Appeals office which handles many visas that have been denied.
Board of Immigration Appeals is where most denials of relief are appealed. They are located in Falls Church, VA. If you lose your case before an Immigration Judge, you may appeal your case to this Court.
You may appeal to the Federal Court if you lose at the Board of Immigration Appeals level.
We Are On Your Side
When you work with our law firm, we understand that you may feel scared, confused and like there is no hope. Our immigration lawyers are here to walk you through the legal process step by step. We will help you understand your position and explain the process of fighting for your immigration goals. As your legal counsel, we will leave no stone unturned when advocating for your rights and find a solution you can live with. We understand that an immigration & naturalization matter is not just a legal issue for you. It is about your family and your future. Contact our Texas law firm to learn how we can help.
Our attorneys are joined by Kristin Tausk,
firm administrator and paralegal.
The United States was built by immigrants. It is due to the hard work and contribution of these people that our nation has prospered. And yet today, noncitizens can often receive less than fair treatment when it comes to their legal rights. To make matters even more complicated, immigrants must deal with confusing immigration laws, making it difficult to understand their legal position and assess options. Whether you are seeking a green card, wish to become a citizen or are facing deportation due to criminal charges, your best hope for achieving your goals is to hire an experienced immigration & naturalization attorney.
At the Tausk Law Firm, our lawyers represent individuals, families, businesses and in-house legal counsel who seek to obtain visas, green cards, citizenship. We also provide a strong defense for noncitizens who have been accused of a crime and are at risk for deportation. Immigration laws in the United States are highly complex and are subject to frequent changes. However, our lawyers are well-versed in the immigration guidelines and are able to quickly identify the best course of action to help clients obtain their specific objectives.
N-400, Application for Naturalization
Form N-400 is an application for US citizenship (naturalization). In order to qualify for naturalization, you must be a Legal Permanent Resident for 5 years or more. One exception is if you are married to a US Citizen and you received your Legal Permanent Residency through that same US citizen spouse and you are a person of good moral character. Your test will be in English and you will need to know how to read and write in English. There is a medical waiver for certain medical conditions. For older people who have been Legal Permanent Residents for 20 years or more and are over 50 or if you are 55 and been a legal permanent resident for more 15 years or more you may be eligible to take the test in Spanish.
Please visit the USCIS website at for more information or Please contact us for an appointment.
N-600, Application for Certificate of Citizenship
Individuals wishing to document their US citizenship status based on citizen parentage should complete Form N-600. This form may be used for individuals who have a claim to US citizenship either by action of law while residing in the US or by having been born outside the US to US citizen parent(s). Please contact us for an appointment.
Please note not everything that is listed encompasses all that can be done to help you stay in the United States, these are just some forms of visas and eligibility to stay in the United States.
You may qualify for DACA.
Congress enacted the Violence Against Women Acts (VAWA) to enable victims of domestic violence to leave abusive relationships without jeopardizing their immigration status. A battered or abused spouse or child of a US citizen or lawful permanent resident may self-petition for relief using Form I-360. To qualify, the petitioner must be of good moral character, must reside in the US, and must have lived in the US with the abusive spouse or parent for some period of time. If petitioning as the spouse of a US citizen or lawful permanent resident, the petitioner must show that the marriage was entered into good faith and that the petitioner or the petitioner’s child was subject to extreme cruelty by the citizen or permanent resident. A child must show that he or she suffered extreme cruelty at the hands of the US citizen or lawful permanent resident parent. Please contact us for an appointment.
Non-citizens who are victims of qualifying criminal activity may be eligible to apply for a U Visa and request temporary immigration benefits. The victim or petitioner may include qualifying family members in the petition. To see a list of qualifying criminal activities please visit the USCIS website. Please contact us for an appointment.
Non-citizens who are victims of severe forms of trafficking, or modern-day slavery. Human Trafficking is a word that may confuse one regarding its true meaning for immigration purposes. Human Trafficking is if one was enslaved and not allowed to leave and move freely and was forced to work against one’s will and were not compensated for this work. As appropriate, benefits may also be available to the victim’s immediate family members. The principal applicants must demonstrate the following: (1) they are or have been a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons; (2) they are physically present in the US, American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or a port of entry, on account of trafficking in persons; (3) they have complied with any reasonable request for assistance in a Federal, State, or local investigation or prosecution of acts of trafficking or the investigation of crime where acts of trafficking are at least one central reason for the commission of that crime, unless they are under the age of 18; and (4) they would suffer extreme hardship involving usual and sever harm upon removal. Please contact us for an appointment.
AAO is the Administrative Appeals office which handles many visas that have been denied.
Board of Immigration Appeals is where most denials of relief are appealed. They are located in Falls Church, VA. If you lose your case before an Immigration Judge, you may appeal your case to this Court.
You may appeal to the Federal Court if you lose at the Board of Immigration Appeals level.
We Are On Your Side
When you work with our law firm, we understand that you may feel scared, confused and like there is no hope. Our immigration lawyers are here to walk you through the legal process step by step. We will help you understand your position and explain the process of fighting for your immigration goals. As your legal counsel, we will leave no stone unturned when advocating for your rights and find a solution you can live with. We understand that an immigration & naturalization matter is not just a legal issue for you. It is about your family and your future. Contact our Texas law firm to learn how we can help.
Gene has vast experience in criminal appeals and is very familiar with the overall process. It's is critical for a client to select an attorney that has worked many times with these types of cases.
Our firm is committed to protecting the rights of those from the business community suspected of fraud. Penalties can be very severe so these charges must be taken seriously and vigorously defended.
Employers can face severe penalties for not having proper I-9 documentation for workers. With recent policy changes it is more critical than ever that you are prepared to defend your business when going through an audit.